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Tuesday 31 July 2018

Kanze Dena reveals details about Uhuru Kenyatta and Joho secret meeting

Uhuru Kenyatta and Mombasa Governor Ali hassan Joho have held a secret Meeting.
Details about the meeting were made public by acting government spokesperson kanze Dena.

The Monday meeting was made public by State House Spokesperson Kanze Dena, who says the President also discussed the Kibarani dumpsite standoff with the Governor.

It appeared that some scrupulous people had grabbed the dump site which was set to undergo rehabilitation.
Uhuru Kenyatta had ordered the revocation of titles issued on the grabbed peace of land few days ago.

Joho and Uhuru Kenyatta seems to have buried their political hatched.
In first term of Uhuru Kenyatta presidency Joho and Uhuru Kenyatta were bitter rivals but after the handshake between president Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila odinga ,Joho relationship with Uhuru Kenyatta has improved.

The meeting between Uhuru Kenyatta and Joho was mainly about development of the coastal region.

Their meetings comes after a host of Coastal region ditched Joho and pledged their support for William Ruto among those leaders are Joho close ally Amason kingi and Aisha Juma.

Photos: Courtesy

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