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Friday 21 September 2018

The Damning Evidence which placed obado in scene of murder and loud mouth Taxi driver Who spilled the beans

Governor okoth obado is walking in a tight Rope,A damning evidence has placed him In the scene of the murder
Okoth obado will be on Monday arraigned in court to answer charges of murder.
Okoth obado according to investigators Is the main suspect, after if emerged that he was the father of Sharon otieno unborn baby.
Text messages And also calls between Sharon and the governor are also said to be part of the evidence.

Also a mistake by governor obado aide casbel obiero places governor okoth obado in the center of the murder.
The aide used governor obado wife car to carry Sharon to her murder place at kodero forest.
The p.a hired a taxi driver to drive them to kodero forest,the driver is Jack  Gombe,Jack was not told that he would be involved in the commission of a crime.
He had no idea that they would abduct and later kill Sharon Otieno.
Jack now has become a key witness and has agreed to testify against the governor and his aide for a lesser sentence which will carry less than 10 years.
His phone location also shows that he was at kodero forest the night of the murder.
His location settings was also on.
Investigators simply traced his movements and asked him one question: what was your phone doing in Kodera Forest?
With Jack confessing and placing the governor a scene of murder he has no where to hide.

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