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Saturday 17 October 2020

Harusi tunayo! Ngina Kenyatta Spotted at Lavish Wedding

 Ngina Kenyatta is President Uhuru Kenyatta Daughter.She is the eldest among uhuru kenyatta children.

Ngina Kenyatta was spotted at a wedding on Saturday.

The first daughter was among the who is who of Kenya, who attended the invites only wedding of Stephie Muigai, believed to be a relative to the Kenyatta’s.

: #fafafa; color: #4f4f4f; font-family: SecondaryFont, system-ui; font-size: 18px; margin: 0px;">Stephie Muigai
The bride, Stephie Muigai

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The flashy wedding took part at Fuschia gardens, Limuru. Stephie walked down the aisle with her longtime boyfriend Frederico.

Stephie Muigai
Stephie Muigai during her wedding at Fuschia gardens, Limuru

Ngina Kenyatta wore a stripped full-sleeved tunic and completed her look with gold jewelry. Her hair was simply done in a ponytail.

Stephie Muigai

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