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Saturday 24 October 2020

Exposed! Big Churchill Show names currently languishing in poverty

heat at Churchill Show just got hotter, after comedians Jalang’o and Zainabu Zeddy spilled the secrets about unemployed Churchill Show comedians who are currently sleeping hungry.

Zeddy warned she was here to reveal the Truth and say it as it is before mentioning famous names in the creative industry that have been suffering behind closed doors but are afraid to speak up.

Unfortunately, the comedienne first admitted that majority of young and upcoming comedians struggle to live the “Instagram life” that is nothing but fake and one that their meager salaries cannot even finance.

You just want to impress people. But it’s fake! All those photos on Instagram are not real.

Key names

Before going public to disclose that Sleepy David is a suffering man but who is afraid to speak.

Sleepy is suffering but he can’t say so. He has no job, nothing. He is just surviving.

Comedian Sleepy David

This just opened doors of shock, with Zeddy spilling that comedians Wa Kimani and Njoro are also sailing in the same boat of ‘poverty’.

Majority of male comedians are suffering in silence. The men are educated, young but never speak up! Wa Kimani and Njoro are all suffering and they are struggling to make ends meet.

Comedian Njoro

To the extent that one of them was willing to sell his kidney to survive.

Wa Kimani had even given up and wanted to sell his kidney to survive. I am here to speak!

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