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Sunday 25 October 2020

DJ MOH Side Chick Nudes Leaked


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What goes around, comes around. When you expose someone and you have dirty linen, the same will be done to you. That’s why they say never trust anyone in this world. Remember Maggie rushed to Edgar to expose DJ Mo for sleeping with her? She even leaked his manhood pics!

Well, this time around, the lady, who is bootylicious by the way, is being exposed bare and dry. Before we show you the photos, read on.

Also read: Is DJ Mo's Side Chick Stalking Size 8?

Of late, the chick has been trying to deny that she is the one who went ahead and exposed the DJ, causing Size 8 so much pain. Through a leaked Instagram chat with blogger Edgar, she even revealed DJ Mo’s HIV status.

As if that’s not enough, she went ahead to say that she had aborted several times, because they used to have unprotected sex. Maggie thought that it would be fun to actually reveal her purported man, but as far as things are going, she looks single. 
We often ask ourselves, who would date such a ratchet and untrustworthy woman? Anything you say to her or any experience you have with her will be used against you in the future!

Back to the nudes! So when Maggie decided to take a step back and pretend that her friend leaked the information, fans sent receipts to Edgar. They proved that she was the one behind the screen. She was the one typing out all those things. In the process, a video of her dancing naked was leaked, and her buttocks were all over the place!

In case you missed it, here you go!

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